Individual Therapy

  • Self-esteem and personal empowerment
  • Anger: Including anger management
  • Anxiety: Social anxiety, panic attacks, situational anxiety, chronic worry, chronic stress, obsessive-compulsive disorder
  • Depression
  • Guilt
  • Grief/Loss
  • Childhood abuse: Physical, emotional and sexual
  • Separation/Divorce
  • Mid-life transitions
  • Conflict resolution
  • Trauma: Including accidents and assaults
  • Post-traumatic stress
  • Work-related stress
  • Bullying and harassment in school or workplace
  • Women’s transitional issues: Post-partum depression, anxiety, peri-menopause, and menopause
  • Men’s issues

Couples Therapy

  • Marital/Couple therapy
  • Separation/Divorce coaching and therapy for couples
  • Extra-marital affairs
  • Sex therapy
  • Same-sex couples

Family Therapy

  • Parent-child conflict
  • Parent-adolescent conflict
  • Complex family issues
  • Blended family issues
  • Nuclear family and extended family issues
  • Separation/Divorce counseling for whole family


  • Conflict resolution within the workplace
  • Team building
  • Respect in the workplace

Sexual Behavioural Concerns

  • Pornography and internet pornography use
  • Sexual preoccupation
  • Sex therapy

Training & Workshops for the Workplace

  • Stress management
  • Anxiety management
  • Working together: Dealing with interpersonal conflict
  • Self-care
  • The art of letting go
  • Sexual harassment, aggression and bullying
  • Suicide prevention/intervention workshops
  • Assertiveness training
  • Self-esteem